Project Unify
About the Program
Special Olympics Project UNIFY® is a youth-centered, school-focused initiative that brings students with and without intellectual disabilities together through education, sports and youth leadership to provide them with the knowledge, attitudes and skill necessary to create and sustain school communities that promote acceptance, respect and human dignity.
A sustaining Project UNIFY® School is a combination of at least three components; sports, youth leadership/advocacy, and a school-wide activity. In a Project UNIFY® school there is an understanding that Project UNIFY® is not just an incident or event that happens for one day, or a single experience, but rather year-long or seasonal activities. In a Project UNIFY school there is an expectation that acceptance and inclusion are everyday occurrences that change entire schools and impact the whole student body.
Excerpted from website:
Clague Middle School has applied and been accepted in 2015 as a Project UNIFY School. Establishment of the program and initial implementation begins in September 2015. More details will follow as student leadership is engaged in the 2015-2016 school year.